Thursday, 12 April 2007

Welcome to The Marketing Workbench

As this is the first entry on The Marketing Workbench, we thought that a brief description of what it's all about would be a good place to start.

The 'Workbench' is a new section on the Web Marketing Workshop website and the intention is to use this area to record key news stories, discuss the latest trends and to provide tips and advice on many issues related to Internet marketing. It's primarily intended as a resource for our customers, since we felt that our monthly newsletter was becoming too infrequent to keep up with all the developments that are now happening online. The newsletter will still continue, but will become more of a digest for items that are posted here during the previous month.

The information included on the Workbench is, of course, open to other readers as well - whether prospective clients, ex-customers (when we have any!), and the casual browser who may come across an article of interest. All are welcome and feedback or discussion on any postings here would also be encouraged.

So welcome! Please use the Workbench as a resource to help explain or support your Internet marketing activities. If you learn one thing a month, or gain an extra piece of knowledge that helps your online business, then our objectives will be met. Do let us know what you think and what else you might like to see here and we'll continue to develop this as an additional resource over the coming months.


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